Refereed Journal Articles
- Manouchehrinejad, M., K.K. Sahoo, N. Kaliyan, H. Singh, Mani. 2019. Economic and environmental impact assessments of a stand-alone napiergrass firedcombined heat and power generation system in the southeastern U.S. International Journal of LCA (in review).
- Sahoo, K.K., Mani. 2019. Economic and environmental assessments of Bio-CNG production via three anaerobic digestion systems from organic wastes and energy crops. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (in revision).
- Manouchehrinejad, M., Mani. 2019. Process simulation of an integrated biomass torrefaction and pelletization plant to produce solid biofuels. Energy Conversion & Management,
- Sahoo, K.K., E.M. (Ted) Bilek, R. Bergman, Mani. 2019. Techno-economic analysis of producing solid biofuel and biochar from forest residues using portable systems. Applied Energy, 235: 578-590.
- Sahoo, K.K., A.M. Milewski, N. Hoghooghi, S.S. Panda, Mani. 2019. Assessment of miscanthus yield potential from strip-mined lands (SML) and its impacts on stream water quality. Preprints2019, 2019010206 (doi: 10.20944/preprints201901.0206.v1).
- Sahoo, K.K., E.M. (Ted) Bilek, R. Bergman, A. Kizha, Mani. 2018. Economic analysis of forest residues supply chain options to produce enhanced quality feedstocks. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, Published Online:
- Manouchehrinejad, M., I. Glesen, Mani. 2018. Grindability of torrefied woodchips and wood pellets. Fuel Processing Technology182: 45-55.
- Sahoo, K.K., E.M. (Ted) Bilek, Mani. 2018. Techno-economic and environmental assessments of storing woodchips and pellets for bioenergy applications. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 98: 27-39.
- Manouchehrinejad, M., Mani. 2018. Torrefaction after Pelletization (TAP): Evaluation of torrefied wood pellets and co-products. Biomass and Bioenergy, 118: 93-104.
- Yang, Y., J. Kastner, Mani.2018. Two-stage hydrothermal liquefaction of sweet sorghum biomass – Part I: Production of upgraded biocrude oil. Energy and Fuel, 32(7): 7611-7619.
- Yang, Y., J. Kastner, Mani.2018. Two-stage hydrothermal liquefaction of sweet sorghum biomass – Part II: Production of sugar mixtures. Energy and Fuel, Energy and Fuel, 32(7): 7620-7629.
- Manouchehrinejad, M., Y. Yang, R. A. de Morais, L. M. Souza, H. Singh and Mani. 2018. Densification of thermally treated energy cane and napier grass. Bioenergy Research, 11(3): 538-550.
- Lee, H., S. Sundaram, L. Zhu, Y. Zhao and Mani. 2018. Improved thermal stability of cellulose nanofibrils using low-concentration alkaline pretreatment. Carbohydrate Polymers, 118,506-513.
- Sahoo, K. K., S. Das, P. Bettinger and Mani. 2018. GIS based sustainable assessment of crop residues using ANN and optimal siting of biogas plants. Biomass and Bioenergy, 110, 63-74
- Kim, Y., L. T. McCoy, E. Lee, H. Lee, R. Saremi, C. Feit, S. Sharma, Mani, S. Minko. 2017. Environmentally sound textile dyeing technology with nanofibrillated cellulose. Green Chemistry, 19(17), 4031-4035
- Lee, H., and Mani. 2017. Mechanical pretreatment of fluff pulp to produce cellulose nanofibrils (CNFs). Industrial Crops and Products, 104: 179-187.
- Y., H. Singh, B. Singh and S. Mani.2017. Thermal pretreatment of sorghum biomass to improve fuel properties. Bioresource Technology, 232: 372-379.
- Okeke, I. and Mani. 2017. Techno-economic assessment of biogas to biofuels via Fischer-Tropsch synthesis. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 11(3),472-487
- Sahoo, K. K. and Mani. 2017. Techno-economic assessment of biomass bale storage systems for a large-scale biorefinery. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining, 11(3), 471-429
- Kumar, L., Koukoulas, A. A., Mani, S., & Satyavolu, J. (2016). Integrating Torrefaction in the Wood Pellet Industry: A Critical Review. Energy & Fuels, 31(1), 37-54
- Mani, S., J. Sundaram, KC. Das. 2016. Process simulation and modeling: Anaerobic digestion of complex organic matter. Biomass and Bioenergy 93,158-167.
- Sahoo, K. K. GL Hawkins, XA Yao, K. Samples and Mani. 2016. GIS based biomass assessment and supply logistics system for a sustainable biorefinery: A case study with cotton stalks in the Southeastern US. Applied Energy, 182, 260-273.
- Sahoo, K. K. and Mani. 2016. Engineering Economics of Cotton Stalk Supply Logistics Systems for Bioenergy Applications. Transactions of the ASABE 59(3): 1-11 (Superior Paper Award).
- Sundaram, J., J. Pant, M. J. Goudie, Maniand H. Handa. 2016. Antimicrobial and Physicochemical characterization of biodegradable, nicric-oxide releasing chitosan packaging membranes. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 64(25) 5260-5266.
- Kandala, C., V. Settsaluri, Maniand N. Puppala. 2016. Capacitance sensing of moisture content in fuel wood chips. IEEE Sensors Journal 16(11): 4506-4514.
- Sundaram, J., Mani, S., Kandala, C. V. K., & Holser, R. A. 2015. Application of NIR reflectance spectroscopy on rapid determination of moisture content of wood pellets. American Journal of Analytical Chemistry,06(12), 923-932.
- Kastner, J., Mani, S.and A. Juneja. 2015. Catalytic decomposition of tar using iron supported biochar. Fuel Processing Technology, 130: 31-37.
- Yandapalli, V., Mani. 2014. Effect of lime pretreatment on the granulation of switchgrass. BioEnergy Research, 7:833-844.
- Yandapalli, V., Mani. 2014. Wet granulation of pine wood powders. Transactions of the ASABE 57 (4): 1211-1218.
- Mani, S. and K. Muthukumarappan. 2014. Special Collection: Advances in biomass pretreatment and conversion technologies. Transactions of the ASABE 57(4): 1173-1174.
- Mani, S., J. Kastner and A. Juneja. 2013. Catalytic decomposition of toluene using a biomass derived catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology, 114: 118-125.
- Roger, H., S. Richard, J. Kastner, Maniand KC. Das. 2013. Effect of torrefaction on bio-oil upgrading over HZSM-5. I. Product yield, product quality, and catalyst effectiveness for BTEX production. Energy and Fuels, 27(2): 830-843.
- Roger, H., S. Richard, J. Kastner, Maniand KC. Das. 2013. Effect of torrefaction on bio-oil upgrading over HZSM-5. II. Byproduct formation and catalyst properties and function. Energy and Fuels, 27(2): 844-856.
- Viswanathan, T., Mani, KC. Das, S. Chinnasamy, R. Singh and M. Singh. 2012. Effect of cell ruptures methods on the drying kinetics and chemical composition of microalgae consortium. Bioresource Technology, 126: 131-136.
- Viswanathan, T., Mani, KC. Das, S. Chinnasamy and A. Bhatnagar. 2011. Thin layer drying kinetics and chemical composition of microalgae consortium. Transactions of the ASABE, 54(6): 2245-2252.
- Phanphanich, M and Mani.2011. Impact of torrefaction on the grindability and fuel characteristics of forest biomass. Bioresource Technology, 102: 1246-1253.
- Phanphanich, M and Mani.2010. Drying Characteristics of pine forest residues. Bioresources 5(1): 108-120.
- Mani, S., S. Sokhansanj, S. Tagore, A. F. Turhollow. Techno-economic analysis of using stover to supply heat and power to a corn ethanol plant. Part 2: Heat and power generation costs. Biomass and Bioenergy 34(3): 356-364
- Sokhansanj, S., Mani, S. Tagore, A. F. Turhollow. 2010. Techno-economic analysis of using stover to supply heat and power to a corn ethanol plant. Part 1: Feedstock supply logistics and costs. Biomass and Bioenergy 34(1): 75-81.
- Sokhansanj, S., Mani, A. F. Turhollow, A. Kumar. 2009. Large scale production, collection, and supply of switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) – Visioning a mature technology. Biofuels, Bioproducts and Biorefining 3:124-141.
- Singh K., E. W. Tollner, Mani, L. M. Risse, K. C. Das and J. Worley. 2009. Pelleting of poultry litter fractions with pyrolyzed oil as a binder. Transactions of the ASABE 52(3): 949-956.
- Sokhansanj, S., A. F. Turhollow, J. Stephen, M. Stumburg, Jim Fenton, Mani. 2008. Analysis of five simulated straw harvest scenarios. Canadian Biosystems Engineering. 50: 2.27-2.35.
- Zaini, P., S. Sokhansanj, X. Bi,C. J. Lim, Mani, S. Melin, J. Kadla. 2008. Density of pellets made from lodge pole pine infested with mountain pine beetle. Canadian Biosystems Engineering, 50: 3.47 – 3.55.
- Lam, P.S., S. Sokhansanj, X. Bi, C.J. Lim, J. Naimi, M. Hoque, Mani, A. R. Womac, X. P. Ye, S. Narayan. 2008. Bulk density of wet and dry wheat straw and switchgrass particles. Applied Engineering in Agriculture 24(3): 351-358
- Mani, S., Jaya, R. Vadivambal. 2007. Optimization of solvent extraction of moringa seed kernel oil using response surface methodology. Food and Bioproducts Processing, 85(C4): 328-335.
- Mani, S., S. Sokhansanj, X. Bi and A. Turhollow. 2006. Economics of producing fuel pellets from biomass.Applied Engineering in Agriculture, 22(3):1-6.
- Mani, S., G. Tabil and S. Sokhansanj. 2006. Effects of compressive force, particle size and moisture content on mechanical properties of biomass pellets. Biomass and Bioenergy, 30(7): 648-654.
- Mani, S., G. Tabil and S. Sokhansanj. 2006. Specific energy requirement for compacting corn stover. Bioresource Technology, 97(12):1420-1426
- Sokhansanj, S., Mani, S. Stumborg, R. Samson and J. Fenton. 2006. Production and distribution of cereal straw on the Canadian prairies. Canadian Biosystems Engineering, 48: 3.39-3.46.
- Jaya, S., H. Das and Mani.2006. Optimization of maltodextrin and tri calcium phosphate for producing vacuum dried mango powder. International Journal of Food Properties 9(1):1-12.
- Samson, R., Mani, R. Boddey, S. Sokhansanj, D. Quesada, S. Urquiaga, V. Reis, C.H. Lem and C. Carpio. 2005. The potential of C4 perennial grasses for developing a global bio-heat industry. Critical Reviews in Plant Science, 24(5-6):461-495.
- Mani, S., G. Tabil and S. Sokhansanj. 2004. Mechanical properties of corn stover grind. Transactions of the ASAE 47(6): 1983-1990.
- Mani, S., G. Tabil and S. Sokhansanj. 2004. Evaluation of compaction equations applied to four biomass species. Canadian Biosystems Engineering 46: 3.55-3.61
- Mani, S., G. Tabil and S. Sokhansanj. 2004. Grinding performance and physical properties of wheat and barley straws, corn stover and switchgrass. Biomass and Bioenergy 27(4): 339-352.
- Mani, S., G. Tabil and S. Sokhansanj. 2003. An overview of compaction of biomass grinds. Powder Handling and Processing 15(2): 160-168.
- Jaya, S., Mani,and H. Das. 2002. Stickiness of food powders and related physico-chemical properties of food components. Journal of Food Science and Technology, 39 (1): 1-7.