Book Chapters and Refereed Proceedings

  1. Sokhansanj, S., S. Mani, C. Igathinathane, Sam Tagore. 2010.Heat and power production from stover for corn ethanol plants. In Plant Biotechnology for Sustainable Production of Energy and Co-products, ed. P.N. Mascia et al. (eds) Biotechnology in Agriculture and Forestry 66, Springer – Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. Pages 345-362
  2. Singh K., E. W. Tollner, S. Mani, L. M. Risse, K. C. Das and J. Worley.  2008. Transforming solid wastes into high quality bioenergy products: Entropy Analysis. Proceedings of the ASME 16th Annual North American Waste to Energy Conference, ASME Press, New York.
  3. Singh K., E. W. Tollner, S. Mani, L. M. Risse, K. C. Das and J. Worley.  2008. Emergy synthesis of a pyrolysis process. Proceedings of the 5th biennial emergy conference, Center for Environmental Policy, University of Florida Press, FL, USA.
  4. Mani, S and S. Sokhansanj. 2007. Rotary Drum Drying. In: Food Drying: Science and Technology (ed. Hui, et al.) Destech Publications Inc., Pennsylvania, U. S. A.
  5. Sokhansanj, S and S. Mani. 2006. Modeling of biomass supply logistics. In: Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion, A. V. Bridgewater and D. G. B. Bobcock (Eds.), Vol. 1, pp. 387-403, Newbury Perks, UK: CPL Press.
  6. Mani, S., L. G. Tabil, and S. Sokhansanj. 2006. Relaxation characteristics of pelletized wheat and barley straws, corn stover and switchgrass grinds. In: Science in Thermal and Chemical Biomass Conversion, A. V. Bridgewater and D. G. B. Bobcock (Eds.), Vol. 1, pp. 340-350, Newbury Perks, UK: CPL Press.