Invited Workshops and Presentations

  1. Mani, S. 2012. Life cycle assessment: Basic principles– Workshop (1/2 day) conducted at the 2012 Agricultural Equipment & Technology Conference, Feb. 12-14, Louisville, KY USA.
  2. Mani, S. 2011. Preprocessing and thermo-chemical conversion of biomass. GRA Bioenergy Program Meeting, August 15, 2011 Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA.
  3. Mani, S. 2011. Biochar: How an ancient practice works with modern technology.  Spring POWER meeting, April 21, 2011, Elemental Impacts Inc., Atlanta, GA.
  4. Mani, S. 2011. Effect of cell rupture methods on the drying characteristics of microalgae. Special Seminar on February 17, 2011. Department of Food Science and Technology. University of Georgia, Athens, GA USA.
  5. Mani, S. and J. Dooley. 2011. Physical characterization of biomass– Workshop (1/2 day) conducted at the 2011 Agricultural Equipment & Technology Conference, Jan 5-8, 2011, Atlanta, GA USA [More than 50 participants attended].
  6. Mani, S. 2010. Torrefaction: A promising pretreatment for thermo-chemical conversion of biomass. BSRI Annual Retreat 2010, Nov 15, 2010 Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA.
  7. Mani, S. 2010. Preprocessing of lignocellulosic biomass for energy generation. Northeast Georgia Engineers Joint Meeting, April 16, 2010 Piedmont College, Athens, GA.
  8. Mani, S. and J. Dooley. 2009. Preprocessing and Conversion Technologies for Thermo-chemical Conversion of Biomass – Workshop (1/2 day) conducted at the 2009 Bioenergy Engineering Conference, Oct 11, 2009 held in Bellevue, WA USA [More than 75 participants attended].
  9. Mani, S. 2009. Economics of biomass grinding and pelleting. AETC Conference, Feb 8-11, 2009, Louisville, KY USA.
  10. Mani, S. 2008. R and D in thermal processing of biomass for power generation. 2008 Tactical Power Summit, Washington DC, USA.
  11. Mani, S. 2008. Spray drying of fruit juices. Special Seminar. Department of Food Science and Technology. University of Georgia, Athens, GA USA.
  12. Mani, S. 2007. Bioenergy Research Initiatives at UGA. Biomass and Bioenergy Group, July 5, 2007, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
  13. Mani, S. 2006. Simulation of biomass densification system. International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition 2006, Prince George, BC, Canada.
  14. Mani, S and S. Sokhansanj. 2004. A study of energy balances in biomass drying and Pelleting processes. Presented in the International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition 2004, Price George, BC, Canada.