Invited Workshops and Presentations
- Mani, S. 2012. Life cycle assessment: Basic principles– Workshop (1/2 day) conducted at the 2012 Agricultural Equipment & Technology Conference, Feb. 12-14, Louisville, KY USA.
- Mani, S. 2011. Preprocessing and thermo-chemical conversion of biomass. GRA Bioenergy Program Meeting, August 15, 2011 Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA.
- Mani, S. 2011. Biochar: How an ancient practice works with modern technology. Spring POWER meeting, April 21, 2011, Elemental Impacts Inc., Atlanta, GA.
- Mani, S. 2011. Effect of cell rupture methods on the drying characteristics of microalgae. Special Seminar on February 17, 2011. Department of Food Science and Technology. University of Georgia, Athens, GA USA.
- Mani, S. and J. Dooley. 2011. Physical characterization of biomass– Workshop (1/2 day) conducted at the 2011 Agricultural Equipment & Technology Conference, Jan 5-8, 2011, Atlanta, GA USA [More than 50 participants attended].
- Mani, S. 2010. Torrefaction: A promising pretreatment for thermo-chemical conversion of biomass. BSRI Annual Retreat 2010, Nov 15, 2010 Georgia Center for Continuing Education, Athens, GA.
- Mani, S. 2010. Preprocessing of lignocellulosic biomass for energy generation. Northeast Georgia Engineers Joint Meeting, April 16, 2010 Piedmont College, Athens, GA.
- Mani, S. and J. Dooley. 2009. Preprocessing and Conversion Technologies for Thermo-chemical Conversion of Biomass – Workshop (1/2 day) conducted at the 2009 Bioenergy Engineering Conference, Oct 11, 2009 held in Bellevue, WA USA [More than 75 participants attended].
- Mani, S. 2009. Economics of biomass grinding and pelleting. AETC Conference, Feb 8-11, 2009, Louisville, KY USA.
- Mani, S. 2008. R and D in thermal processing of biomass for power generation. 2008 Tactical Power Summit, Washington DC, USA.
- Mani, S. 2008. Spray drying of fruit juices. Special Seminar. Department of Food Science and Technology. University of Georgia, Athens, GA USA.
- Mani, S. 2007. Bioenergy Research Initiatives at UGA. Biomass and Bioenergy Group, July 5, 2007, Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada.
- Mani, S. 2006. Simulation of biomass densification system. International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition 2006, Prince George, BC, Canada.
- Mani, S and S. Sokhansanj. 2004. A study of energy balances in biomass drying and Pelleting processes. Presented in the International Bioenergy Conference and Exhibition 2004, Price George, BC, Canada.