Conference Presentations & Abstracts

[Samples from last five years]

  1. Mani, S., V. Yandapalli and S. Sokhansanj. 2012. Effect of particle size and binder concentrations on the granulation characteristics of biomass. 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 28 – Aug. 1, 2012, Dallas, TX, USA.
  2. Mani, S., A. Wu, J. Kastner, B. Singh, H. Singh and B. Anderson. 2012. Pyrolysis characteristics of various energy crops grown in the Southeastern US. 2012 ASABE Annual International Meeting, July 28 – Aug. 1, 2012, Dallas, TX, USA.
  3. Mani, S. and Y. Wu. 2012. Determination of Hardgrove Grindability Index (HGI) for thermally treated biomass. 2012 Agricultural Engineering Technology Conference (AETC), February 12-14, 2012, Louisville, KY.
  4. Mani, S. & S. Sokhansanj. 2011. Granulation of lignocellulosic biomass powders. 2011 ASABE Annual International Meeting, August 7-11, 2011, Louisville, KY.
  5. Mani, S., B. Bibens, KC Das & J. Kastner. 2011. Gasification of torrefied forest biomass, the 12th North-American Agro-Forestry Conference, June 4-9, 2011 Athens, GA.
  6. Mani, S. & S. Sokhansanj. 2011. Techno-economic assessment of a granulation based biomass supply logistics system. 33rd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, May 2-5, 2011, Seattle, WA.
  7. Mani, S., J. Kastner, J. Miller & R. Orsmby. 2011. An overview of Levoglucosan production from lignocellulosic biomass. 33rd Symposium on Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals, May 2-5, 2011, Seattle, WA.
  8. Mani, S., B. Bibens & KC Das. 2011. Pilot scale testing of biomass torrefaction technology. International Bioenergy & Bioproducts Conference, March 14-16, 2011 Atlanta, GA.
  9. Mani, S., B. Bibens & KC Das. 2010. Integrating torrefaction pretreatment with gasification of forest biomass. Southeast Biomass Conference & Trade Show, Nov. 11-14, 2010 Atlanta, GA.
  10. Mani, S. 2009. Integrating biomass torrefaction with thermo-chemical conversion processes. Paper # 160229. Proceedings of the 2009 AIChE Annual Meeting, Nov 8-13, 2009, Nashville, TN USA.
  11. Lindo, G., Mani, S. and J. Kastner. 2009. Torrefaction reaction kinetics of southern pine chips. 2009 Bioenergy Engineering Conference, October 11-14, 2009, Bellevue, WA USA.
  12. Mani, S., KC Das and J. Kastner. 2009. Biomass Torrefaction: A promising pretreatment method for thermo-chemical conversion technologies. Proceedings of the IEA Bioenergy Conference 2009, Aug 23-26, 2009 Vancouver, BC Canada.
  13. Mani, S. 2009. Economics of producing torrefied biomass. ASABE 2009 Annual International Conference, Reno, NV USA
  14. Phanphanich M and Mani, S. 2009. An overview of biomass granulation process.  ASABE 2009 Annual International Conference, Reno, NV USA
  15. Juneja, A and S. Mani. 2009. Role of lignin as a binder for producing fuel pellets. FL and GA section of ASABE 2009 Meeting, Daytona Beach, FL USA
  16. Mani, S. and M. Phanphanich. 2009. Moisture sorption isotherms for torrefied biomass and char.  ASABE 2009 Annual International Conference, Reno, NV USA
  17. Mani, S., V. Balan and B. Dale. 2009. Development of value added products from hydrolyzed lignin: Pellet binders. 31th Symposium of Biotechnology for Fuels and Chemicals. San Francisco, CA, USA.
  18. Mani, S. and G. Hawkins. 2009. Densification characteristics of cotton stalks. Agricultural Engineering Technology Conference (AETC), Feb 09-11, 2009, Louisville, KY USA .
  19. Mani, S., C. Mitchell. 2008. Torrefaction characteristics of forest residues. ASABE Annual International Meeting, Providence, RI, USA.
  20. Mani, S. 2008. Advances in biomass densification processes. IBE Annual Meeting, Chapel Hill, NC, USA.