BERL Instrumentation, Equipment & Computational Capabilities
Biomass Characterization Instrument (Lab 331)
- Sieving Machines (3 units)
- Ro-Tap RX94
- Restch Horizontal Sieving
- Pycnometer
- Durability tester
- Drying Ovens (3 units)
- Furnaces (2 units)
- Humidity Chamber
- Bomb Calorimeter
- Angle of Repose
- Powder Flow meter
- Surface Tension Measurement
- MTI 50K – Single Pellet Making (Diameter of 8.0mm 25.4mm)
- Hardness Testing
- Pelletmill
- Pelletpress
Biomass Preprocessing & Densification Equipment (Lab 250)
- Deep bed drying unit
- Thin-layer drying unit
- Rotary drum dryer (Batch)
- Hammer mill
- Knife mill (Energy Input Measurement)
- Screensizes mill
- Disc mill
- Steam Explosion
- Torrefaction: Fixed Bed Reactor
- Torrefaction: Fluidized Bed Reactor
- Pilot-Scale Pellet Mill
- Pan Granulator
- Disk/Drum Granulator
Biomass/Algae Thermochemical Liquefaction Reactors (Lab 250)
- Pilot Scale Torrefaction Reactor
- Pilot Scale Down-Draft Gasification Reactor
- Pilot Scale Fast Pyrolysis Reactor
- Pilot Scale Slow Pyrolysis Reactor
- Batch Pyrolysis Reactor
- High Pressure Liquefaction Reactor
- Tubular Catalytic Reactor
Computational Capabilities (Lab 331)
- ARCVIEW – GIS Software with Integrated Optimization Tools
- EXTENDSIM – Discrete and Continuous Event Simulation Software
- SuperPro Designer – Process Simulation Software
- SIMAPRO – Life Cycle Assessment Software
- COMSOL – Multi-Physics Computational Software